December 7, 2019

You are smart. You know that any change requires effort. And you know it’s going to be work, and you know it’s not going to be easy work. But you also know that you don’t want to spend one more day living the life you are living now. You want to know that you are moving forward. You want some easy wins to assuage your bruised self, you want to see some results soon. You don’t want to have to wait 10 years for a healthy life to become a reality for you.

It’s important to understand that our whole being is involved in creating and living a wellness-centered life. It’s not just about our surroundings, or what we eat, or how we exercise, or how we deal with the emotional baggage we carry. And sometimes the baggage we don’t even know we are carrying. It’s a combination of all of it. Every aspect of our life either contributes or does not contribute to a wellness-centered life.

And that realization in itself is often enough to make us want to just quit. To go get the blanket and hit the couch and binge-watch Shetland. Or throw caution to the wind and head for the nearest fast-food restaurant. Or quietly give up on having a tidy, clutter-free home. Or a stress-free life with your challenging children. Or co-worker, or spouse or boss.

Our lives are complicated. One emotion over here can create a reaction over there. And more often than not, we are blissfully unaware of the connections. I use a ‘Holistic’ approach in my practice, which means that every part of our body, plus our spiritual and emotional selves, must work together to create wellness.

We will work with Lifestyle Guiding, Access Consciousness Bars, and Wellness-Living discovery methods to help you move onto a path of a wellness-centered life.

Dianne Parnell

Dianne believes that every woman is unique, special and capable of achieving her highest purpose, and she encourages women to learn, grow and be inspired each and every day.

Having gone through her own healing journey many years ago, Dianne is now able to help others by empowering and supporting them to create meaningful and fulfilling lives.


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