October 28, 2020

Image of lake and mountains


Coaching is about creating and building trust, respectful relationships through good rapport and quality communication skills. Although systemic technique is important, it’s not the core principle of coaching. Understanding concepts, systems and procedures are learned through training or certification, yet communicating those skills sincerely in a safe environment should be your focus as a coach.


  • Coaching is about the client, not the coach
  • Coaches are motivators and are objective in their guidance and questioning. They are passionate to see their clients succeed.
  • Coaching is not advising, consulting or counselling, Coaching IS NOT THERAPY! Coaches work with healthy-minded clients.
  • Coaching is about integrity, honesty and empathy. It’s not about slick directives that forward the agenda of the coach at the cost of the client’s best interests, needs or wants.
  • Coaching is about a meeting o the minds (client & coach), ethically and respectfully.
  • Coaching is about exploring possibilities creatively with intention not structuring predetermined systems and pathways just because you learned them Ask yourself: Does this apply? Is this appropriate here?
  • Coaching is about refined, detailed types of communication, not a one-size-fits-all remedy or tip.
  • Coaching is about discovering our compelling reason to life life to the fullest – our big why, and creating our ideal vision and taking action to see it through It’s not just about fixing problems or covering things up.
  • Coaching is about growth ,evolution and expansion – it’s not about sitting back and watching others “just go through the motions” with day to day living.
  • Coaching about honouring and administering a Code of Ethics
group coaching

Coaches hep their clients to..Be accountable to their dreams, set and achieve goals, develop strategies for advancement or solutions to roadblocks, identify and eliminate limiting beliefs, improve their confidence and self-esteem, and expand their comfort zones. 

The real foundational principles of coaching truly depend on the client’s needs first and then we consider the coach, the venue, the situation and other contributing factors come into play.

2 girls talking


One of the goals as a coach is to facilitate excellent progress in our clients.

Here are some highlights of the quality of a coach.

  1. Create a safe setting or environment for clients to just “be” present, allowing them the freedom to explore their potential.
  2. Quality communication creates a quality connection – Listen probe discuss, converse, be intuitive and search for truth and meaning sincerely, not confrontationally.
  3. Promote awareness in our clients and in their situation without the presence of judgement or need for validation.
  4. Uncover information, possibilities and truth to establish clarity of purpose, goals, desires and hopes ~ with a time line. What or how much by when?
  5. Explore possibilities and navigate the potential to achieve them. Uncover roadblocks or hazards and work through them.
  6. Utilize systems, strategies and processes that can effectively translate the client’s hopes, dreams, wishes and desires into realistic and achievable actions for success.
  7. Be a product of our product. Be excellent and become the model of how your coaching reflects your life philosophies and ways in the world.
  8. Be present, supportive and unconditionally accepting of our clients.
  9. Discover and align our client’s core values with their goals and hep them “own” their space in the world.
  10. Be “that person” who is a positive, reliable, indispensable and potent resource in every way that makes you feel fulfilled. Make sure our relationship qualities match our own purpose and are in alignment with our core values. It’s important to be a good fit and a win-win for all.

    If you would like to be among the first to read my monthly column where I’ll talk more about how to attain, and keep, wellness in your life, give me your email address. I PROMISE not to inundate you with emails, or spam you, or try to sell you a bunch of stuff.

Dianne Parnell

Dianne believes that every woman is unique, special and capable of achieving her highest purpose, and she encourages women to learn, grow and be inspired each and every day.

Having gone through her own healing journey many years ago, Dianne is now able to help others by empowering and supporting them to create meaningful and fulfilling lives.


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