March 30, 2017

Why I called my business ” I Found Time”

In order to understand the importance of time and of being who you truly be, you must understand that taking time for yourself, and doing the things that make your heart sing and bring you joy are more important than anything else. 

When you get on a plane the flight attendant goes through the safety manifest and tells you to put your oxygen mask on first before your children.

The reason is that if you can’t breathe it’s difficult to help anyone else.

Same goes for our daily life. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, it’s difficult to function at your optimal level.

It’s about rediscovering the joy in your life, be it singing, dancing, running, whatever it may be. This allows you to find the time to truly enjoy being you and living in this amazing world, having amazing women around you, supporting and encouraging you.

woman walking through door

Many years ago I met a lady artist, her work was, and still is, amazing. It’s bright, colourful, fun, and it tells a story. She asked ladies over 50 if they would allow her to paint them and tell a story. I jumped at the chance, how brilliant to be able to tell my younger self some wisdom and advice that I have learned along the way. This lovely lady has given me the gift to rediscover me.

Another really good friend of mine has given me the nudge I need to recreate my business and become who and what truly brings me to my happy place. She is responsible in part for this website and kicking my butt to write. My happy place is empowering people to rediscover who they truly are, encouraging them to let go of old patterning and beliefs that have kept them stuck for years. They often aren’t even aware that those beliefs don’t even belong to them.

What’s your happy place? Do you have beliefs that you no longer believe but still hang onto out of a sense of loyalty? Have you lived with a belief for so long that you have made it your own? It’s so heartwarming when people discover that they have choice, and they can choose for themselves. They can choose whenever they like, not just once but every 15 seconds if they like. It’s brilliant and it’s freeing to know that we can choose who we want to be, where we want to go, who we want to spend our time with.

Give Yourself Permission to Take Time

It’s about giving ourselves permission to take the time we require to be our true genuine selves, the person we were before society told us who we should be, who we had to be.

So I encourage you to find a group of ladies or men; this isn’t just about women, it’s about anyone who wants to choose differently.

group of happy people

Find a group or one or two people that think like you, have the same interests as you, and create whatever it is that you love to do. If your a dancer, join a group or take lessons if you like to sing, join a choir or a band, or just sing for yourself.

If you like to drum, find a drumming group. You get the idea. Just make it happen, and give yourself TIME.

That’s where you find the time, it’s in what brings you JOY. Move your body, walk in the forest and reconnect with the trees. Go swimming in the ocean, lake or stream, it can even be a swimming pool. Take up golf, tennis, baseball, rugby, football, or any other sport that you love to watch and participate in, join a meditation group.

Do the things that you used to love to do when you where a kid, remember that time and go do that.

What Makes YOU Happy?

Find your happy place and go there. That’s where TIME is waiting for you. It’s there, just around the corner. Go ahead, give yourself permission.

Go on, it’s waiting. Time is waiting for you.

pocket watch in clam shell

Give yourself that TIME, and Choose Happy. 

As a woman over 50, I have had many careers in my days, from a retail sales clerk, data entry operator, meditation guide, Holistic practitioner, coach, wife, mom, daughter, niece, granddaughter, sister, friend, there are many other hats, but we’d be here all day if I listed them all.

My point here is that we wear many hats throughout our life and those hats mold who you are. Some of the hats may need to be discarded at times because they no longer serve you. And that’s okay, we don’t have to be all things to all people all the time. It’s good to let go and open space for new things to come into our life. 

Growing up in the sixties was a magical time, it was a painful time, it was a happy time. It was all about having fun, hanging with your friends, drinking (yes I was underage then) smoking (also underage) and drugs (again….underage). It was a time of self discovery, it was a time of joyfulness, it was a time of woman coming into their own.

The point here is that even though you may do things that aren’t necessarily good for you, it molds who you become in your later days. And you choose what to keep and what to let go of.

Gloria Steinem was making it big with women’s lib, burning the bra. 

Janice Joplin, Grace Slick, Stevie Nicks, Pink Floyd, Santana, they all created a paradigm that many of us fell into, and then we grew up, well at least most of us did.

We Grew Up

We graduated school, got jobs, got married, had children, and then. Welcome to adulthood, times of conforming to societies norms. It never sat very well with me, a piece of my soul stayed in the 60’s. And this is where I lost time. 

A big piece of me conformed and created chaos in my life, it created dis-ease in my life, it created angst, it never felt completely right for me. But here I was with responsibilities. You can’t just give up on your responsibilities, Or can you?

When you get married, you stay married forever, in our case we have. We have a wonderful family and life was good, however, there was always something missing.

Time, time was missing. There was never enough time to do the fun things in life, the things that we enjoyed doing when we were young. We were adults now and we had to be grown up, responsible adults. We had children for goodness sake, how dare we have FUN!! What would people think? There was always something that occupied our time.

And so life continued.

As we age, we become more wise and realize that we don’t get time back. There is no reason that while you are growing and raising a family that you can’t have fun. There are lots of activities that cost a lot of money that you can do with your children. Explore the possibilities and live life.

Your kids will remember those times, and it will mold them into the humans that they become later in life.

To often as young adults with family, we think that working and providing for our families is the main goal and often to the detriment of our family life.

Think workaholic, never has time for the fun…never has time for the kids or the spouse. What might you be teaching your children about how to show up in life?

What if we can find a healthy balance of work and play. Might that make for a happier life, happier family, happier times?

This quote is quite appropriate, “We only die once, but we live everyday!”

Think about that phrase, perhaps shifting our thinking to what’s really important in your life can allow you to live everyday.

Here’s to finding more time….

sunset in the forest


Photo Credits

Clock in shell:     Copyright<ahref=’’>hayatikayhan / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Woman with door:   Copyright: <a href=’′>kevron2001 / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Group of people:   Copyright: <a href=’’>rawpixel / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Sunset:     Copyright: <a href=’’>grigory_bruev / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Dianne Parnell

Dianne believes that every woman is unique, special and capable of achieving her highest purpose, and she encourages women to learn, grow and be inspired each and every day.

Having gone through her own healing journey many years ago, Dianne is now able to help others by empowering and supporting them to create meaningful and fulfilling lives.


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