December 21, 2020

Or, , and how they help me live a life of wellness.

A conversation on my path to Clarity, Focus, Motivation and setting goals and how I can help you with this task.

What exactly is Clarity, Focus and Motivation?

According to the dictionary:

Clarity means “The quality of being coherent and intelligible and the quality of transparency or purity.”

Focus means “The centre of interest or activity and the state r quality of having or producing clear visual definition. 

Motivation means “The reason or reasons one has for rating or behaving in a particular way. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something. 

Goal setting is the process of deciding what you want to accomplish and devising a plan to achieve those desired results. … For effective goal setting, you need to do more than just decide what you want to do; you also have to work at accomplishing whatever goal you have set.

Let’s get started on how I found my path to Clarity, Focus and Motivation and why setting goals is important.

I’m guessing that 2020 didn’t turn out quite like you had envisioned it, however the experience has taught myself and many others I’ve spoken to, to really reflect and dig deep into what is important to us and to set goals as 2021 approaches.

2020 has taught many to realize what is really important to them, it has taught them patience, humility and compassion. What it has also taught us is what we truly need or desire in life. For many I’ve spoken with they are realizing what they don’t need in their life. Many are realizing that they have acquired to much stuff, have not truly focused on what they want in their life, rather filling their life with objects and meaningless clutter. 

Many are discovering what is truly important to them and their families. They are realizing that not having family and friends around is hard on them. Their mental health is suffering. On the other hand others are spending quality time with their family and doing more things outside the home as a family. For example, hiking, going for walks, spending time together as a family. Families are enjoying meals together again. Where prior to social distancing, many were running in all directions, not having meals together and barely saying hello or goodbye.

Moms and dads are home now and helping their kids with school work.

2020 has changed many of us and has us thinking quite differently from how we thought before. People are re-evaluating their careers, their relationships, how they show up in the world, how they want to show up in the world from now on.

I recently sat with a colleague of mine and had a conversation about goal setting and affective ways to set ourselves up for success. Both of us have a passion for life, the genuine ability to inspire, influence and impact those we work with. We both help clients find balance in their life, and focus on wellness so you can begin your journey to living the best version of yourself.

Here’s a look at what we discussed for moving forward into 2021.

How do I develop goals for myself?

For me personally, goals provide personal self awareness and mental clarity in all areas of my life that I feel need improvement and where I want to experience growth. It’s important to me to have a plan, a roadmap to help me stay on track to achieving my goals.

One of the tricks I use is having a white board that I time block out portions of time for things that are important to me and also prioritize those items and also block flex time for things that may have to be moved during the day. My goals are written on this board so I am able to see them everyday. Sharing my goals with a close friend or colleague helps to hold me accountable. I am realistic with the timing of big goals and make sure to break them down into manageable chunks so that I am able to celebrate my successes along the way. Celebrating successes along the way is very important to staying motivated and excited about my path. Even the very small wins are celebrated. It can be as simple as a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine to celebrate and success. It doesn’t have to be huge or expensive. 

I also have a huge calendar that I mark out events and appointments that both my husband and I have going on for the month. When our kids were young and 4involved in sports our little free calendar from the bank just didn’t cut it for writing down things so I found a huge white board calendar that would accommodate all four of us and our activities. It is a life saver to this day.

How I stay focused on my goals

I start with good habits that keep me on track and help to achieve my goals.

Some of the ways I am able to do this is by waking up every day with a positive attitude and positive affirmations or mantras. A book by Hal Elrod called “The Miracle Morning” has helped tremendously with this goal of waking up early and spending time in silence, meditation, reading, journalling and prayer. 

I end each day with a 3..2..1.. checkin. 

What 3 things that didn’t work?

What 2 things that did work?

What’s 1 thing I might do different moving forward?

I believe we are way to hard on ourselves when it comes to life and achieving our goals. This checkin helps to keep me accountable while encouraging me to not focus on the things that didn’t work. It allows the recognition of what didn’t work without judgement and helps figure out a solution to move forward.

It’s ok to miss a workout, a meditation or take more time for something else, as long as you block out flex time. Doing the 3..2..1.. allows me to focus on what I did get done, where I was successful, and look at any area that needs improvement and then focusing on where to go from there. It allows for focus on the big picture, the end goal. 

I do this check in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Depending on the size of the goal I am working on. During this check in it allows for adjustments that will help keep me on track and  celebrate success. 

Checking in like this keeps my vibration up, and helps acknowledge and honour my purpose in life of serving clients and community.

I believe that by spreading the light and being positive reinforces to others to also be the light and also be in a positive position. It allows others and myself to live on purpose, to achieve my goals and share my gifts with the world.

Health and Wellness

Keeping hydrated, getting lots of rest, eating a healthy diet and exercise all help to keep my vibration and attitude high and positive.

Water feeds the brain as well as our tissues, muscles and organs. 

Getting plenty of rest refreshes the mind and the body. Rest helps with better focus and clarity of thinking. One can experience more energy, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and emotional stress, also can help with depression.

Eating a healthy diet helps with all aspects of our body and mind. Eating healthy helps to maintain a healthy weight, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Fast foods over time will give us a foggy brain, lack of energy and also lack of sleep. 

Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues, helps the cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.

As a Wellness Living Guide, how do I support my clients in goal setting, and staying focused on achieving those goals?

My job as a guide is to provide a safe environment for my clients, to encourage and support them in setting appropriate goals and outcomes. 

Goal setting is going to be different for each client, so my plans are individually based on the needs of the client. We discuss what’s best for them in regards to relationships, career, personal development, health & wellness. What are realistic expectations for what they want to achieve in their life. What do they want to change in their life? What’s working, and what’s not working? Also what is an appropriate time frame to achieve those goals. As a coach, it is also my responsibility to hold my clients accountable by checking in with them regularly and discussing what’s working and what’s not. It’s important to remember that tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning and to start where you are. It’s about focusing on what worked, rather than what didn’t. We accomplish so much in life that never gets noticed, recognized or celebrated. We tend to focus on what’s not working in our life. And most of the time, we accomplish a lot more good than bad. That’s why I focus on what worked, although it’s important to acknowledge what isn’t working, it’s more to find a solution to shift what’s not working rather than focusing on the negative of what we didn’t accomplish. 

I teach my clients about empathy and compassion for themselves and others. Everyone is different and it’s important to understand that not everyone is on the same path as we are and not everyone will resonate with us or what we believe in, so it’s important to find what motivates them.

One thing I encourage is to find people who support you on your journey, people who will love you and encourage you while you are making changes. It’s not always easy and sometimes your friends and family will try to discourage you and pull you back into old habits. And this doesn’t just fit with substance abuse or physical abuse, it fits with lack of motivation, people who are afraid to see you succeed. Partly because they don’t have the motivation to change themselves. There is a saying that we are the sum of the five people we hang out with. Who do you hang out with? Perhaps it’s time to check in.

Your mindset must be one of “I want to heal and be healthy, I want to live a better version of myself” then hang out with people who are also high vibration, and be purposeful about putting these people on your life path that are equally committed to your goals and their goals. 

As a Wellness Living Guide, Holistic practitioner, Reiki practitioner, Access Consciousness Bars practitioner and Certified Professional Success Coach, I enjoy working with clients and reading their energy so I can help them re-write their story and live fully alive and on purpose. Through techniques like breathing exercises, meditation balancing energies, and discovering what is truly their own belief or whether it is someone else’s belief that we have adopted as our own, I can help calm the mind and body so they can relax and focus on their objectives, goals and success moving forward.

Are you ready to move forward into 2021, are you interested in meeting Dianne to help you set goals and achieve a level of success you’ve never reached before?

If you would like to be among the first to read my monthly column where I’ll talk more about how to attain, and keep, wellness in your life, give me your email address. I PROMISE not to inundate you with emails, or spam you, or try to sell you a bunch of stuff.

Dianne Parnell

Dianne believes that every woman is unique, special and capable of achieving her highest purpose, and she encourages women to learn, grow and be inspired each and every day.

Having gone through her own healing journey many years ago, Dianne is now able to help others by empowering and supporting them to create meaningful and fulfilling lives.


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