December 24, 2020

wellness-centered life

Do you ever feel like you’re walking through life with no clear direction, you can’t seem to find your way and there isn’t a simple road map to lead you? Do you feel that if you take one step forward in some areas of your life, it sometimes creates one step back in other areas.  Is a wellness-centered life something you dream about, but believe isn’t really possible?

One step forward, two steps back.

You learn to get your chocolate craving under control, only to have it manifest itself in a new desire for popcorn. You finally decide to write in your journal every morning, but it takes so long to get through your emails that you can’t fit journaling in before you have to leave the house.
Or you want to cook more healthy meals, but you just don’t have time to plan and shop and cook. And you end up throwing out too much food, anyway. It appears that it’s easier, and less expensive, to get take-away, or fast food.

I understand your struggle in searching for a balanced lifestyle  because I have been through that struggle too. I, too, was looking for a life that is simple to live. 

And you know it’s going to be work, and you know it’s not going to be easy work. But you also know that you don’t want to spend one more day living the life you are living now. You want to know that you are moving forward. You want some easy wins to assuage your bruised self, you want to see some results soon. You don’t want to have to wait 10 years for a healthy life to become a reality for you.

A wellness-centered life takes work

It’s important to understand that our whole being is involved in creating and living a wellness-centered life. It’s not just about our surroundings, or what we eat, or how we exercise, or how we deal with the emotional baggage we carry. And sometimes the baggage we don’t even know we are carrying. It’s a combination of all of it. Every aspect of our life either contributes or does not contribute to a wellness-centered life.

And that realization in itself is often enough to make us want to just quit. To go get the blanket and hit the couch and binge-watch Shetland. Or throw caution to the wind and head for the nearest fast-food restaurant. Or quietly give up on having a tidy, clutter-free home. Or a stress-free life with your challenging children. Or co-worker, or spouse or boss.

It doesn’t have to be so hard.

Our lives are complicated. One emotion over here can create a reaction over there. And more often than not, we are blissfully unaware of the connections. I use a ‘Holistic’ approach in my practice, which means that every part of our body, plus our spiritual and emotional selves, must work together to create wellness.

We will work with Lifestyle Guiding, Access Consciousness Bars, and Wellness-Living  discovery methods to help you move onto a path of a wellness-centered life.

How to move onto a path of a wellness-centered life.

It’s very rare that we will rely on one discovery method alone to set a path for you. If you want a balanced, well-rounded wellness-oriented life, we need to use all the skills we have to remove barriers, create new beliefs, and set new pathways for you to succeed.

I’ve taken my years of work as a Wellness practitioner, my training in Access Consciousness Bars, and my skills as a life coach and created a pathway for you to travel to a successful Wellness-centered life.

What is a Wellness Guide?

You know well that sometimes we think all we really need is someone to listen. Perhaps offer a bit of encouragement, give you a verbal ‘atta girl’ and you can go forward feeling more in tune with your goals. But that feeling often fades, quickly. And you find yourself still stuck, still wondering how to move forward, or, even what forward you are supposed to be moving toward. That’s stuck. And that’s what a life coach can help with. It can be about your home-life, your career, your relationships with your partner, your family or your friends.

Again, it’s about the whole, not the parts, which help you gain control, find flow and walk the path to a wellness-centered life.

As a wellness guide, I am able to offer totally unbiased assistance to help you find your path and get your feet firmly planted one in front of the other as you walk forward. We can do this in person, or online in virtual coaching sessions.

I’ll help you see the barriers to your successes, and I can help you find solutions to those barriers. Solutions which fit into your lifestyle, solutions which you are capable of implementing.

Yes, a guide listens. Listening, is, after all, one of the most important communication skills any of us can possess. As a wellness guide, this is just one of the life-style techniques I can share with you which will help you in your forward movement.

I have knowledge to share with you which will aid your growth and reduce your stress and indecision.

You may not know, for example, what ‘limiting beliefs’ you are carrying and that they are interfering with your wellness-centered life, your confidence and even your spiritual growth. The first chore, obviously, is to explain what limiting beliefs are and how they affect your life. Then, together, we find where they lurk, and explore ways to remove the barriers they create.

For example. If you have issues with self-esteem, one limiting belief you may be carting around stems from the admonition you may have heard often when you were young that children should be seen and not heard. If you were not assured, often enough, of your worth as you grew, you may still believe that what you are saying is of no value. Together we can work to remove this barrier.

When we identify limiting beliefs, and eliminate them, we replace them with positive empowering beliefs. These increase confidence and accountability, negate beliefs such as we are not good enough, we’re too fat, too ugly, too tall, too skinny, not smart enough or don’t have a proper education to be successful. 

The list goes on.

Wellness-centered living.

If our physical health isn’t the best it can be, our brain doesn’t always function at its best.  An unhealthy body can cause brain fog, resulting in a lack of focus and attention to detail.

This will, of course, have an effect on our work, our interactions with those around us and our ability to learn or remember — just a very few of the issues an unhealthy brain can cause. 

Brain fog limits our progress for what we want to accomplish and can interfere with what to think, how to think and when to think.

When you feed your brain and your body the right fuel, it will preform well for you. That is the start of wellness-centered living.

Through our discoveries together, we will identify the barriers you are experiencing to a wellness-centered life. Often these barriers are hidden behind habits and may take some digging to remove.

For example. A cluttered home may manifest itself in an inability to loose weight, and maintain that weight.  It becomes difficult to prepare meals if the counter is covered in dishes. Sitting together at the table to eat becomes impossible if the table is also the home office. It becomes easier to grab fast-food, or prepare food quickly, and eat quickly. Three major contributors to weight issues.

Together we will build a wellness plan for you and your family. A plan which you take part in writing, so you know it will work for you.

Access Bars

Once we discover what is essentially holding you back, we will clear any belief systems that do not serve you in this time of your life.

Are you feeling self limited in any area of your life? Is there an area of your health that is being limited?

Through a gentle process we can clear the energetic blueprint of those beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs that will empower you and set you on a path where you can thrive and succeed.

We will explore your self worth, your confidence level —  anything that may stand in your way so that you are then able to move forward with confidence, accountability and with grace and ease.

Setting appropriate boundaries for any situation in your life that you may feel are in need of boundaries is also part of the program. If we don’t have appropriate boundaries, it creates openings for others to take advantage of us and that leaves us feeling frustrated, angry, self limited and ineffectual.

My practice is about helping you find your best self. It’s about helping you learn the steps you need to take to be the best self you can be.  It’s a learning process, it can take time. But the end result is a fulfilled, wellness-centered life for you to enjoy For ever.

Dianne Parnell

Dianne believes that every woman is unique, special and capable of achieving her highest purpose, and she encourages women to learn, grow and be inspired each and every day.

Having gone through her own healing journey many years ago, Dianne is now able to help others by empowering and supporting them to create meaningful and fulfilling lives.


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