November 9, 2021

Do you ever feel like you’re walking through life with no clear direction, you can’t seem to find your way and there isn’t a simple road map to lead you?

We understand your struggle in searching for a balanced lifestyle that is simple yet not always easy.

This is why we have created a format that includes Coaching, Accessing and shifting Limiting beliefs, and Holistic wellness.

It’s important to understand that our whole being is involved in our lifestyle and how that looks for us.

Limiting Beliefs

When our limiting beliefs don’t allow us the confidence and possibly disempowers us then again our life is not balanced. When you feel unbalanced or disempowered one of the first questions to ask is, “Is this true?” It probably isn’t but you have allowed someone else’s opinion of you cloud your vision.

A lot of us grew up with the belief that children are to be seen and not heard. If this is you, then is it possible that you don’t think what you have to say or contribute is beneficial and that people won’t want to hear what you have to say, so you stay silent.

If we are feeling frustrated, angry, and as though we are floundering through life, then finding the right path, the right roadmap can help to lead you to the life you’ve always dreamed of living.

If our beliefs in our self, in others and in our purpose are lacking and this can include our spiritual wellness as well, then it feels like we are spinning out of control and don’t know where to turn or focus our attention.

If our beliefs in our self, in others and in our purpose are lacking, then it feels like we are spinning out of control and don’t know where to turn or focus our attention.

It’s important to have something to believe in that is unique to you. It doesn’t have to be the dogma that everyone else believes, remember it might be a fit for you and it might not be part of your morals or values for how you want to show up in life. And that’s ok, follow your heart and what resonates with you. Live your life, not someone else’s.

Through all three centers of Coaching, Access Consciousness and Wellness we are able to help you discover and integrate a new way of being.

By discovering and identifying what your self limiting beliefs are we can release that negative subconscious limiting pattern and restore it with more positive empowering beliefs that increase confidence, accountability, and overcoming beliefs that we are not good enough, we’re to fat, to ugly, to tall, to skinny, not smart enough, don’t have a proper education and the list goes on.

How It All Works

So here’s how it all works, you and I will sit down for a 30 minute chat to see if we are a fit for each other. Not every coach is a good fit and not every client is either. This is a get to know you session so I can learn about you and what you’d like to achieve. You get to ask me questions as well…

If after the chat we decide to proceed we will then look at your “why”.

Why do you want to hire a coach, why do you want to do things different, and what motivates you to exploring your life at this moment.

We’ll then look into your Circle of Success which includes Physical self, Spiritual and personal, financial, relationships, environment, fun and personal growth, professional and your legacy. You will discover your strengths and weaknesses in all areas and which ones need a little more attention and which ones need a bit of balancing.

Weaknesses aren’t always a bad thing, and in some instances these are things that can be delegated to others.

Be proud of who you are and what your strengths are, we all have weaknesses and it isn’t a bad thing. Not all of us can navigate the inside of a computer, or wire a house. It’s not a weakness in my opinion, it just means that it’s not your purpose or passion to know those things. So instead of looking at weaknesses, let’s focus on strengths and find a better way to work with what we do have.

So instead of looking at weaknesses, let’s focus on strengths and find a better way to work with what we do have.

From there you will write out a Vision of Success statement and during this time, if there are any self limiting, or disempowering belief systems at play in your subconscious mind we will then work to release and replace those beliefs with more empowering and positive beliefs. Your Vision of Success is a statement that you create that will be read everyday to help you stay focused on your goal and your vision. It will help you feel empowered because it is your words and your thoughts that create the statement.

Once it is discovered what is essentially holding you back we will clear any belief systems that do not serve you in this time of your life. Are you feeling self limited in any area of your life? Is there an area of your health that is being limited? Through a gentle process we can clear the energetic blueprint of those beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs that will empower you and set you on a path that you can thrive and succeed at.

We will explore your self worth, your confidence level, anything that may stand in your way so that you are then able to move forward with confidence, and accountability with grace and ease.

Setting appropriate boundaries for any situation in your life that you may feel are in need of boundaries is also part of the program.

If we don’t have appropriate boundaries then others can take advantage of us and we walk away feeling frustrated and angry for not standing up. 

Sometimes depending on the situation this can require physically moving, either your house or the city you live in. Although this is extreme, it depends on your circumstance. Usually it is simply standing up for what you believe and speaking your truth.

Do you always say “yes” to others when you wish you would have said, “no”? We’ll explore why you feel like you need to please people and not have firm appropriate boundaries to carry you through. You don’t have to always say “yes” you can also pause and say, “Let me think about it.” or “I’ll get back to you on that.” This allows you time to think and decide if it’s really something you want to do.

My Story

I have walked this path and made all the mistakes, together we can work out a plan so you don’t have to make the common mistakes and allow yourself to live a more fulfilled life and follow a path to wellness all while succeeding in life whatever that looks like for you.

Together we’ll discover your strengths and your weaknesses and how to work with those together to live your best life possible.

This can be done from the comfort of your home virtually via zoom, phone chat or in person depending on where you live and the Covid protocol for our area.

Dianne Parnell

Dianne believes that every woman is unique, special and capable of achieving her highest purpose, and she encourages women to learn, grow and be inspired each and every day.

Having gone through her own healing journey many years ago, Dianne is now able to help others by empowering and supporting them to create meaningful and fulfilling lives.


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